I started my day with hosing down my apple crates, they were mighty dirty!! It was a bit cold, despite the fact that there was glorious sunshine so please forgive my massive hoody and the stupid look on my face, I found that hysterically laughing helped me to ignore the fact that my fingers were numb.
So I eventually decided that painting just the insides of my crates would be the best idea, I was a wimp and didn't want to ruin the names on the crates and the overall appearance, so thats what I did. I went for lime, teal and cranberry red and also papered one of the slates on each crate, These 3 will be used for the storage of my fabrics and what not. Not sure at the moment what I will do with the other 5 crates but we shall see.
On a very different note, please appreciate my amazing pink milk urn!!! Rich came home with it today as a suprise, Ive had my eye on it for weeks and weeks and today I own it YAY YAY YAYYYYY!!!!