Monday 28 January 2013

Mondays Armchair Activity

Hello people! 
I hope you all had a very good weekend.
Mine was busy as per usual but today I bring you something very simple and quite relaxing actually..

Easy Paper Pinwheels

STEP 1. Here is what you will need: 
A long length of rectangular paper (i used the width of a roll of wrapping paper)
A hole punch
Easy peasy

STEP 2. Fold your length of paper into a concertina..try to keep all the folds the same size but its not the end of the world if they go a bit askew.

STEP 3. Tie a long length of string around the middle of your concertina.

STEP 4. Snip the ends of your concertina into what ever shape you what, rounded, pointy etc etc (this helps if you didnt keep your concertina folds the same size... it makes it look like your going for the messy look on purpose!!)

STEP 5. Open up your concertina, so that it looks like two fans with the string tied in between the two. Then use your hole punch to punch 4 holes into your fans, one at each end where they join together.

STEP 6. Use a little length of string to tie the ends of the fans together, so that the pinwheel stays open, it should now hold its circular shape. You could use a stapler at this point or even a glue gun if you fancied it. Make sure however you decided to put it together, that you do it on the plain side of the pinwheel, that way if you make a mess no one will know.

And there you have it your paper pinwheel is complete YAY!! Now just hang it up using the long length of string you originally tied around the middle of your concertina.







Well I hope you all enjoyed that, I shall bring you a tutorial about making slightly bigger, more complicated pin wheels at some point, but you cant do them on the sofa I am afraid!! Have good night and I shall see you tomorrow.

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